
Elementary (K-Grade 5)

Kindergarten to Grade 2

Sussex Christian School presents a well-rounded early learning program. Children love this structured and nurturing program as it includes academic stimulation, small class sizes, fun and interactive programming, and interaction with students from all grade levels at SCS. The full day instruction sessions (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 2:00 pm) include instruction in reading readiness, social development and personal development. A strong educational foundation is developed with focus on phonics-based reading and basic math concepts to prepare them for further learning.

Included in the instructional plans are:

  • Phonics-based early reading
  • Number concepts and basic math facts and skills
  • Memory and recall
  • Listening attentively
  • Following instructions
  • Responsibility with personal items
  • Respect for others’ property
  • Understanding and respect for flag and country
  • General concept of time and seasons

  • Use of pencil, scissors, glue, ruler
  • Basic health, safety and manners
  • Spatial directions
  • Music
  • Art
  • Physical development
  • Bible and scripture memory
  • Community awareness (local and global), simple geography
  • Science – God’s creation

Grades 3 – 5

The SCS Elementary program consists of self-contained classrooms using a traditional blended curriculum (suppliers include Abeka Book Inc., ACSI, CSI Christian School International, and New Brunswick provincial curriculum). Students excel due to small class sizes and differentiated plans to facilitate learning. SCS recognizes that each learner is unique and requires different methods of instruction to understand academic material. As well, the excellent extra-curricular activities create a fun and enticing social environment for the students. Our goal is to have each student LOVE to come to school each and every day! The elementary program has a challenging, strong academic focus with concern for all areas of development.

Courses include:

  • Bible
  • Math
  • Reading & Language Arts
  • Science

  • Social Studies
  • French
  • Music
  • Physical Education

Have Some Questions?

We know that making the choice to send your child(ren) to a private school can be a difficult decision and you may have many questions. Here at SCS we want you to help you in your decision-making process and we are happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Middle School

Grades 6 – 8

The middle school years are critical in the learning and social processing of this age group. They are transition years developmentally for students both academically and socially. The SCS Middle School program has a solid academic core encouraging students to achieve their best, and moving them toward a greater level of independence and personal responsibility as they enter their high school years. Students are encouraged to think for themselves and express their views and opinions toward a positive Christian worldview. Extra-curricular activities and school trips help to make learning come alive as experiential instruction is critical to our educational philosophy. Middle School students will find acceptance, friendship, and a safe place to grow and develop during these formative years.

Class sizes are small and offer opportunity for each student to maximize learning objectives. Emphasis is placed on core subject areas and core skill development along with critical thinking skill development. Course Areas include:

  • Bible
  • Math
  • English
  • Spelling
  • French

  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Health
  • Computer Skills

High School

Grades 9 – 12

SCS High School consists of self-contained classrooms using curriculum from a variety of suppliers (Abeka, ACSI, Accelerated Christian Education, and Provincial – NB Department of Education). This very unique school division offers students a safe and stimulating environment to seek out interests, aptitudes, and future educational/career pursuits. Students are tracked yearly and met with individually to ensure that their course selections and extra-curricular activities feed into their post-secondary planning as it evolves. The Guidance Department fully assists students to research and pursue their goals and dreams with respect to their educational path in college, university, seminary, or the world of work.

SCS High School students are offered many different opportunities to see the world, experience culture and differences in people, explore interests, and attempt to reach beyond their comfort zones. Life-long friendships are built and often remain throughout adulthood, long after graduation.

Academic rigour is one of the core values of the high school program. Courses are offered in the following disciplines:

  • Bible
  • Math
  • English
  • French
  • History
  • All Sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Physical Education

  • Co-operative Education: students may gain practical unpaid work experience in a field, paired with an academic course, and gain up to 2 credits
  • Various electives include: Outdoor Pursuits, Extended French, Culinary Tech, Canadian Issues, Oceans, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Theatre Arts, Coding, Robotics,(based on availability and student interest)

SCS High School Dual Enrolment Program

Sussex Christian School partners with Kingswood University, also located in Sussex, to offer a dual enrolment program for students in Grade 12 at Sussex Christian School. This program allows high school senior students to gain university credit before high school graduation. Perhaps even more valuable is the experience of the university culture, giving the student a little bit of exposure to university campus life.

SCS students are offered a variety of general university entry courses (including some on-line courses) that they may take in their senior year. Students must meet the KU entrance requirements and have permission from SCS to participate in this program. Eligible students may take from 3 to 12 credit hours at Kingswood University; three credit hours at KU will be accepted as one credit at SCS toward a student’s high school graduation requirements. SCS students receive a special tuition rate of $100 per credit hour while in the dual enrolment program.


Graduates of the SCS High School Program earn a diploma that prepares them to enter colleges and universities throughout Canada, United States and around the world. All students are given formal exams twice yearly. Senior students may sit for SAT exams, or other standardized tests required by some post-secondary institutions – all facilitated by SCS. SCS graduates go on to any post-secondary school or profession that they desire (with accepted prerequisites). Alumni have been invited to and received scholarships from the University of New Brunswick, Crandall University, Kingswood University, Dalhousie University, Liberty University, New Brunswick Community College, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Holland College, Houghton College, University of Toronto, St. Thomas University, University of Waterloo, and many more. Within these schools our students have studied law, early childhood education, computer science, journalism, education, biology, kinesiology, electrical, engineering, theatre, art, music, counselling, psychology, business, policing, paramedic training, nursing, theology, English, and agriculture.